Monday, June 8, 2009

New Series - What the Eff is Happening in This Photo?

Attention all 501 building on Mike's Athlete Wife of the Week, I'm happy to debut the What the Eff is Happening in This Photo mini series!

Put on your thinking caps ladies and gentlemen, and give it your best shot!

Responses in the comments section please!


  1. First off I would like to say that, I think this pic is hilarious. Second, this pic is of you Brendan, you can tell by the running sneakers the extreme definition in the calves and the freckly skin! So I believe the right question to ask is not "what the eff is happening" but rather, "Brendan, what the eff are you doing?"

  2. Appreciate the comment about the defined calves Matthew, but you're suppossed to at least take a guess as to what the eff is happening in the photo.
