Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Mac Surprise

Well, well, well the Big Mac has officially surprised us all! Who would have thought that Mark "Big Mac" McGwire officially announces that he has participated in the usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs or commonly known has Steroids. It's not like we the fans aren't immune to shocking press conferences of this nature already.
It was just last April before the baseball season began that we were hit with Manny and A-Rod's sob stories.
This one however tastes a little bit differently. You see Big Mac was appointed the Hitting Coach's position last October, so his return to baseball since the allegations and the trials were a left fans and writers a tad skeptic. Never the less, he made no statements regarding the usage of PED's or his last battle on Capitol Hill. With that said we move on to the news of last week, with the Hall of Fame's 2010 induction class which only consisted of the "The Hawk"; Andre Dawson.
This meant another year where Big Mac only scored about 20% on the official ballots and did not make the HOF. What happens next, he comes out with a poor me story of how he took PED's during various times in his career, especially during the wild summer of 1998 where he and Sammy Sosa (another one!) chased Roger Maris's singe-season home run record of 61.
He also went on to say how he took them only to rehab various setbacks and illnesses that he acquired during his tenure. Whatever the case may be, the 90's will always be known as the Steroid Era, and all the greats during that time will still get in the Hall, no doubt about it!
We now know its not just few anymore, this only makes us immune to "shockers", it will soon be just as acceptable as Gatorade.

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