Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stress vs Talent or Yankees vs Phillies

Those of you who follow 501 Huguenot have probably been wondering where i have been. Well i am glad you asked! i actually have been saving the world from skin eating worms that would have destroyed the world hadnt i killed them all. But now that we have that out of the way we need to talk about something. As 75% of 501 Huguenot knows and loves, the yankees are back in the world series (thank god) and yes they have a great team and blah blah blah. I am extatic that they are back but i know we have a few issues to discuss. First off is that the yankees behind ummm oh yea NO ONE sucked the house that jeter built out of emotions last night! The phillies behind Cliff Lee destroyed us and i will be the first one to say right now 'I AM SCARED'!!! Now i am not blogging right now because i want to seem like i have given up on the yankees or am blowing the phillies, that is not the reason. The reason i am blogging is to get your take on the value and reasons a team WINS! Now most of the north east was watching the game last night and it got me to thinking while the phillies piled the runs on, are the phillies kicking our ass right now because they are having fun (i have never seen a team more relaxed and just playing for fun in a world series game in my LIFE) or because they are more talented. Now the phillies are a great team dont get me wrong, i am scared of all of their batters but does it make a difference if a team is relaxed because they say "shit we won this last year, we arent supposed to win this year, lets go out and have fun and maybe just maybe we can win this thing." My own personal Jay view is ABSOLUTELY!!!! The yankees last night looked scared, nervous and on tilt the whole entire game. The yankees have as much talent as the phillies but i am worried that the new york and world media to have the yankees win are getting to them and if they dont change their views and attitudes i have a feeling it will be a SAD :( Sunday night for yankee fans. But two last things, one i am glad we arent the red sox golfing right now and LETS GO YANKEES!!!!!

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