Friday, May 8, 2009

A Shout Out to Moms and Mammary Glands

Ya know those little desk calendars everyone has? I have one entitled "Amazing But True Golf Facts." Most mornings the fact is about some guy hitting a crazy hole in one, shooting an incredibly low round or some ridiculous story about John Daly getting drunk at Hooter's. Yesterday's involved none of these, but it was noteworthy none the less, particular considering this is a weekend dedicated to Mom's.

So here it is verbatim...

LPGA star Laura Baugh, the mother of seven children, combined motherhood with a golf career. "I either had a baby with me or on me," said Laura, who nursed all her children. Once while she was in contention at the McDonald's LPGA Championship, her lactating breasts became visible through the padding in her bra and her blouse. What did she do to cover it up? "I walked to the water cooler at the back of the 16th tee and just drenched myself from my neck to my waist," she recalled.

Tremendous stuff!

Here's to all the mom's out there and any woman who's ever suffered from the terrible embarrassment of lactating in public!

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