I have to recommend "Wall Street" as the movie of the week. This movie stars the never aging but always agile Michael Douglas, the hot-shot him self Charlie Sheen and the mermaid/one-eyed assassin Daryl Hannah. Not to mention Honorable mentions to Charlie's pop Martin and that jacked doctor from Scrubs.
If you liked Boiler Room then you'll love Wall Street, they actually refer to this movie in BR. As for someone who wants to get into the finance field I almost Pearl Jammed when I finished watching this shit.
Charlie is this cold calling, brass balled stock broker who wants it all and will not stop until he gets it. He's even willing to bend a few of the SEC's rules to get there. He is so deep into living this dream of being a rich mofo that he sets himself up with the biggest financial manager in the U.S. (Michael Douglas).
Without giving to much away, because after all this is a movie recommendation not fucking cliff notes on the flick. You are taken along the journey of Sheen's rocket liftoff in the financial world diving deep into Futures, SWAPS and Options not to mention off-shore accounts and company buy-outs not to get confused with our current economic cluster fuck of bail-outs!
Douglas's character is a fucking bad ass a high flying, no shit, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast kind of guy! Teaches Sheen all the "insides" of the business while they both make each other a shit load of money fast!
You can get past all of the financial lingo by just knowing that someone can still make money off a stock that is plummeting down the tubes. Definitely rent this movie, and watch it in your best shirt-tie combo, loafers off, sitting on the end seat of the couch with a glass of Johnny Walker and a fat cigar. Oh and if you can ditch the belt and go with the suspenders!