It is with much sorrow that I bid a farewell to the great state of New York. The place where I was born and raised, the place where I had my first beer, my first conquest, my first heartbreak, my first rugby game, my first time jumping into ice covered lakes, my first fist fight, my first kiss...well you get the idea my first everything pretty much.
Most of all I would have to say the place where I met the boys of 501. If it wasn't for college (which is in NY) I would have never met Brendan, Jay, Mikey5 or Matty G. I would have never lived with them, never went on vacations with them, never beat them all up, never laughed with them and most of all I would have never loved them.
At the end of the month I will be heading 200 plus miles south to Baltimore, MD for a new job/career. I would have to say the main feeling is nervous excitement. I'm nervous as hell to just pick up and move, especially without any family or friends, however I'm really excited about this new opportunity!
With that being said, I feel this blog has taken a big step in the communication factor for the 501 boys. Because as of July 1, this marks when all 4 members will not be living with at least one other. So this blog should be stronger, if not for our fans but for us. It will give us the opportunity to communicate with each other as new shit pops up in our lives.
This move also gets me 4 hours closer to Calabash, NC, the site of the 2010 summer jump off tour that 501 embarks on annually. So, hopefully you'll be hearing from G, Jay, 5 and Brendan soon!
Peace out NY, its been real!