Friday, January 29, 2010

The Dive

After work today I will be traveling down to my hometown of Deer Park which is located on the once great now dreadful Long Island. I don't want to sound to mean saying its dreadful, but once you leave the ole chicken cutlet you don't seem to ever want to go back. Nothing like paying a toll to leave and come back!

Anyways I'll be traveling back home tonight because I have my buddies bachelor party in Atlantic City. Yes, AC, you guys remember when the 501 boys met up with the cromagnum men just last July to celebrate MattyG's departure from manhood. Along with going to AC I also have be fitted for my tuxedo which I will most likely hate wearing.

Why would I hate wearing one you ask? Well that's a great question, lots of people in my social ring ask me that same very question! Its because of Prom, you see, you first wear that black and white man dress for the big prom. It's supposed to be the biggest night of your high school social career, everyone is going to go, all the dresses the girls spend months shopping for, just for one night. One night filled with a crappy comedy club, not enough booze, and none of the wild sex hotel romps that you watch in a movie.
Remember when you honestly thought that this was it, or this was going to be one of the last great nights! Even I bought into all that, I loved high school! I was a public school kid with all of my friends in the same school, played lax and hockey, drank beers on Friday nights, homecoming king, the list goes on and on with that so called popular jock lifestyle that the trench coat mafia kids couldn't stand. But even I knew that this day was overly hyped!

Since I went to 5 proms, you can see why I can't stand being in a wedding, yet alone agree with the arrangement of marriage. That's why when I do take the plunge, I'll probably do one of those relaxed weddings; destination on the beach on some island then get smacked off rum and cokes, or in a regular suit, maybe after work one Friday so no one has to waste time getting ready.

Mikey5 can better explain our combined points on the arrangement of marriage and everything that goes into delusional act. My ramblings go more with these old time traditions in a new more tech savvy era. If we are coming up with new technology, ways of life, working environments etc., then why are we still conforming to the old traditions of white dress, church, tux, bridesmaids, groomsmen, ring boy and flower girl, yada yada yada. Please! How about me on my couch and you all streamed in via satellite, or all of my family and guests at the church and me via satellite from the reception with a glass of scotch saying all the "I do's".
The prom too is to old fashion, best time of your life my ass, do you even know what college is, or living in an apt with 5 of your closest college buddies! People didn't college back then so that's why they hyped the shit out of prom.

This might be an off topic post, maybe cause I can't stand weddings, or maybe because Valentines Day is approaching and you all remember my post from last year, maybe its a thought of a "New Light, New Life" or shit maybe because I'm already 25.
Let me know what you think and post a comment.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Life

If the Boys of 501 aren't talking Scott Machado's questionable shot selection late in games, Figaro bracelets, or Sam Adams specials at Dud's, it's likely we're discussing the potential for a New Life.

New Life began simply as yours truly opening up the blinds in our Orlando hotel room allowing a beaming stream of Florida sunlight to batter the weary eyelids of a sleepy JoJack. Since then, these two simple words have transformed into what we hope is a world-wide phenomenon...a "Bucket List" of sorts.

Consider for a moment how often you heard these words as a child, "You can be anything you want when you grow up." It was proclaimed by your parents, teachers, maybe even your local parish priest in his weekly sermon. And now consider how many of those dreams have been dashed...sure some were ridiculous, you were never going to make it in the NFL or NBA, but what about something more commonplace like a well-paying job at a financial firm in Manhattan.

Sometimes New Life can be a little more humorous...consider Matthew offering to take Coach Calhoun down to the media room for a few pepperoni slices (certainly this would have been a You Tube sensation...hence folks, young Matthew would have established a New Life). Now maybe that shot at New Life would have been met with, "Get some facts, I don't like pepperoni!" or maybe, just maybe, it would have turned into a life long friendship between the man from DP and the man who f*cked up on Mr. Gomes.

Sometimes New Life can be dark...take the countless evil people this world has known...the Charles Manson's and the Hitler's...was this simply a case of a New Life gone horribly wrong?

Did Tiger Woods wake up one day years ago...look at his wife, his two children, his countless trophies, his millions upon millions of dollars, his unparalleled fame...and wish for a New Life?

I admire those people who one day just decide to get up and drive to Cali, or fly to Europe and start a New Life. I'd like to speak to those people and ask them what their breaking point was, how they felt comfortable leaving their families and friends, did they ever question whether they were making the right move?

Every single second of your day is an opportunity for New Life...why do some take it while others prefer to live the life most are expected (married, 2 kids, house in the suburbs, job that you don't hate, but don't like, church on Sundays, Grandma over for dinner once a week). And understand that I don't begrudge those who opt for the simple life, I just question when and where their dreams fell apart, or perhaps, that life was indeed the dream?

I saw a license plate on a mini-van (of all cars, one that screams I live the common life!) the other day as I drove to work.

Its message was simple, yet so challenging...JSTGO4IT

Back In Action

I know I know, I start every blog now a days with an apology for our lack of commitment. I promise things will be getting a lot better. I don't know if it has to do with college basketball season, winter, marriage, job hunting, new jobs, girlfriends, cruises, Harley's, new cars, sterling silver bracelets, or maybe its just lack of imagination. Who knows...

I really feel things are going to change as we approach a time of more activities. We have a couple of exciting times ahead of us. As our loyal readers know from the past a couple of exciting events happen in the month of February and March for us.

1. Mikey5's Birthday: This will be our 3rd consecutive year celebrating Mike's birthday down in the dead cold forest shooting each other with semi-frozen paint balls. This little fun event has now turned into a die hard tradition filled with fogged masks, nut shots, neck shots and random a 11 year old with a super hot and sexy momma! This year however marks the introduction for Jay who has never taken part in the event....good luck Jason!

2. Polar Bear Plunge: If you can remember which I'm sure you do this was one of the first posts I wrote about when starting up this fantastic blog. The boys will once again defy all odds, get ridiculously drunk/hungover and sprint into the Atlantic Ocean!! This annual event on Super Bowl Sunday in Long Beach is a great time! Once again Jack will be joining us for the first time! Pray for the coldest, rainiest, sleetiest, snowiest day in February history PLEASE!!!

3. Super Bowl Sunday: After thawing out for a couple of hours and with a couple of more frothy sodas possibly at Dudleys, we will try and sit through another Superbowl. Between Mikey5, JoeJack, Matty, Brendan and my self have all been alive to see our favorite teams the Jets and Giants win a total of 3 Superbowl's, granted I have never witnessed the Jets win one, nor an AFC Championship! Suck it fellas! Nevertheless we'll try and get through the Saints/Colts game.

4. Gaels Basketball: It's without saying all of us follow Gaels basketball with the utmost importance. This year's team has been a lot of fun to watch, we have followed them to Orlando, Hartford, Manhattan, NJ and Albany for the MAAC Championships. They are fast, gritty, exciting and playing great so far!!

5. Calabash: I'm sure all the Huguenuts remember the wild posts from NC ranging from Caddy Shack moments on the course, Close Encounters, Kimmy and her Sticky Fingaz, Dancin Deb, Brendan's $140 shirt, and the night of multiple injuries. We're not there yet, but the official booking of the trip is in motion!! Only if Matty could get re-married would be able to complete the whole package!!!

We'll I hope I've gotten your pallet salivating for some exciting stories, I'm sure we'll do some pretty stupid things soon! Hopefully we can encourage 5 to start blogging again, send him some love mail, hate mail, nasty photos, just something that will get him back in the game!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just Cruising

15 decks, 7 hot tubs, 3 pools, a basketball court, a rock climbing wall, an inline skating track, a casino, a golf simulator, a nightclub, multiple bars, a miniature golf course, an ice skating rink, two theaters...all part of the cruise ship that is the Navigator of the Seas.

I knew it was gonna be a great trip when as I was boarding from the sunny Port of Miami, some guy screamed down "Go Blue," in recognition of my Mi, Mi, Mi, Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiichigan sweatshirt!!! By the way, the Wolverines (regularly recognized as the fiercest cat in the jungle) took down the 15th ranked Huskies in Ann Arbor this afternoon.

So on board, there are activities abound....drinking beers, laying poolside, participating in Miss Biceps, Sexy Legs or the Belly Flop Contest, or trying your bet at roulette or blackjack....there is definetly something for everyone.

Now let's get to the biddies.....they are plentiful and come from all over the globe...New Zealand, Spain.....and that's all I got folks....believe me, just go on a cruise you won't regret it!

Oh, I did lose to a Bob Saget looking fellow in the rock climbing wall contest.

Off to watch the Gang Green with the biggest Jet fan I've ever met....Matthew!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Mac Surprise

Well, well, well the Big Mac has officially surprised us all! Who would have thought that Mark "Big Mac" McGwire officially announces that he has participated in the usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs or commonly known has Steroids. It's not like we the fans aren't immune to shocking press conferences of this nature already.
It was just last April before the baseball season began that we were hit with Manny and A-Rod's sob stories.
This one however tastes a little bit differently. You see Big Mac was appointed the Hitting Coach's position last October, so his return to baseball since the allegations and the trials were a left fans and writers a tad skeptic. Never the less, he made no statements regarding the usage of PED's or his last battle on Capitol Hill. With that said we move on to the news of last week, with the Hall of Fame's 2010 induction class which only consisted of the "The Hawk"; Andre Dawson.
This meant another year where Big Mac only scored about 20% on the official ballots and did not make the HOF. What happens next, he comes out with a poor me story of how he took PED's during various times in his career, especially during the wild summer of 1998 where he and Sammy Sosa (another one!) chased Roger Maris's singe-season home run record of 61.
He also went on to say how he took them only to rehab various setbacks and illnesses that he acquired during his tenure. Whatever the case may be, the 90's will always be known as the Steroid Era, and all the greats during that time will still get in the Hall, no doubt about it!
We now know its not just few anymore, this only makes us immune to "shockers", it will soon be just as acceptable as Gatorade.